A lot of us seem to have been hit with one type of sickness or another, maybe cabin fever over a prolonged winter or some been feeling kind of down.
And others had been missing in action in our blogging neighborhood, till they get feeling better. Well, we will be glad to have you all back.
I felt, I would like to lighten the mood a bit. So I thought I would post this one.
It came up when I was watching a documentary about it a few years back, for one thing I couldn’t believe it warranted a documentary. But hey, they have to fill the time slots with something right?
I used to like it at one time, before my health conciseness took hold several years ago.
I knew that there was an almost cult type following over the stuff and that Hawaii was it’s capital of consumption. Who would have ever known?
How ever I did write this just to be funny, it was one I never took very serious and I sure never planed on putting it out here.
And this will probably gross some of you out, and some of the closet eaters of the stuff, that may never want to admit it, but then that's not really the point
We need some smiles going on…
Mystery Can
One day feeling hungry
Like I never felt before
Decided to go down to the
Neighborhood grocery store
Fumbling through the isles
Looking for a tasty treat
Found a strange square can
Amongst other luncheon meats
So many ways to prepare it
You can cook it in a pan
Or slap it between some bread
With eggs and other types of ham
I prefer it with taters
Or any way you can
One thing you never want to do
Is read the ingredients of your very
Own can of Spam...