Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thoughts and Memories of You

A November chill is biting at the ends of my ears
As I pull up the collar
Golden memories falling from the trees
Slowly dissipate with the wind

All the thoughts that built up to the day
Becoming harder to keep them straight
Ones hope to never loose
Are of those being with you

Hiding my dry cold hands
In the snugged lined pockets
Of the coat given in the better of times
There’s a key I just can’t let go

Dragging my feet to a path
Knowing too that will come a time
When the leaves thick and deep

Will had faded and gone.


Shadow said...

beautifully expressed. and don't loose that key!

Josephine said...

You drew a beautiful picture here!! It brought memories of my own. Thanks for that!!

Noelle Dunn.... A Poet in Progress said...

this is just lovely George.

Linda S. Socha said...

This is beautiful and I love the way you have put it together. I am late coming to this post but glad to see it.It creates a strong visual image for me
Happy New Year George

Unspoken said...

I wonder if we all have memories like this!