Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Ghosted Memories

You have yours
I have to live with mine

As it whittles away
Leaving us in the day
Where the world was ours
Now Ghosted memories

Echoes of a love
In the disappearance of time.

Like, to so many of us, feeling that she was the most beautiful woman with a voice of powerful alluring talent, ever to be bestowed onto the world and the music scene and no one has ever come close.

Every time I reflect on the times back then, she and her music is always been part of those memories for me.

As a lot of us had discovered, time stays for no one.

Happy Birthday Linda, I will always love you.


Josephine said...

Beautiful poem and Birthday Note for Linda!!
As memories let us go back in time they kind of make us immortal... I know, it's not the same, but I like to take a trip sometimes...

Shadow said...

your poem is touching!

George said...

Thanks Alex,

They are nice trips, then so is coming back home again...

Shadow, I'm glad you liked it, that's what I love about words, the ability to touch others even if it's on the other side of the world...

Thank you both for your warm response in an other wise quiet blogging world...

Rick said...

Good God, George, I actually remember Linda the same way!

George said...

Hey Rick, Good hearing from ya again...

Yeah, she really had an effect on everyone across all forms of music.

Thanks for the visit and response...

Linda S. Socha said...

George. You are a lovely romantic...I am thankfulo for that. Far too few I sometimes think.....LKove the poem

Much thanks for the wonderful comment on my blog. It is an encourgement.Too much work and too little blogging for me right now!
GOOD to see you here!

George said...

Thanks Linda, for the visit. You're a good friend and I appreciate that.

Don't work to hard and I'll see ya around.

Noelle Dunn.... A Poet in Progress said...

This is absolutely beautiful...
fits perfectly to where I am currently at..amidst ghosted memories!
Thank you. :)
Hope you are well.